Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Moving on

Mom and Dad are making me quit my blog page. Mom says that since we are back from China with Evie, we need a new blog that is about her too. I will be allowed to post occasionally, but the blog will be for all four of us.

If you would like to see the new blog, you can visit us at:


Please come by and see me and my baby sister. We've enjoyed your visits over the past month.

I promise to do another blog all by myself the next time I'm going to China!

Bye for now!


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Evie pre-flu shot

The Hump - Are we there yet???

We've been back from China six days and my mom is wondering if we will ever sleep normally again. I knew my waking her up at 4 am would eventually pay off.

Last night, after a 6 pm nap, mom woke me up at 8, fed me some ice cream and popcorn, and plopped me down in front of Cinderella until 9:30. I slept through the night.

Evie had a flu shot yesterday and wasn't feeling or faring as well. She woke up at 5 am and has been not feeling well at all today.

Mom and Dad are closer to a normal sleep cycle, but no one is getting good sleep yet.

We saw Amelia and Rachel yesterday, but I fell asleep before Amelia and I could do a bath together.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


GuangXi is the province where Genevieve was born, here is a picture that doesn't do justice to the amazing countryside.

GuangXi is a rural, farming community with about 45 million residents.

Parking it in China

Hi everyone- Before we leave this blog, we wanted to share some of the wonderful sights and colors of China with you!

Here are Daddy, Gramma, Ju Ju and Evie at one of the Guangzhou Parks!

We're big park fans and want to post a couple of pics for you all to get an idea of how fun they are.

Monday, October 03, 2005

What a Night!!!

I am so confused! I just woke up from a 4 hour nap. A 4 hour nap! Me?! I don't nap for that long. I can't tell if it is day or night. I was up at 2AM with mom this morning, then for some reason, she got tired at 4, and woke dad up. Since dad was getting up, I decided to wake Evie up too! Dad was so happy to have both of us up! For whatever reason he couldn't find the top to the exact cup I had to have to drink my orange juice. He kept asking me if another cup would be okay, he just didn't get it. Evie made matters worse for me by crying the whole time! No one joined us until mom got back up at 7. The 3 of us had a good time, but I had to set Dad straight several times about activities, eating and rules. Again, he doesn't get it.
Then he tried to take me to school at 9 AM! Ha Ha! The joke is on him! There is no way I was going to put up with school today. Well that's it for now. There is some talk of the park, I can't wait to push Evie on all the rides! Juju

Sunday, October 02, 2005

We're Home!

Hi Everybody-

After 36 hours of travel, we made it home this morning. We flew from Guangzhou to Hong Kong to Taipei to San Francisco to DC. Nobody had more than maybe 5 or 6 hours of sleep except me. I slept almost the entire Taipei - San Francisco leg.

I've posted lots of pictures below. Genevieve became a U.S. Citizen when we landed in San Francisco yesterday afternoon. We had a breeze coming through customs and spent almost our entire layover with Uncle Gerald and Uncle Shane who drove up from LA to meet Evie and spend time with their number one niece (that is me).

We had such a fun time in Guangzhou! There are all of these wonderful parks there! Every day it was a different park in a different section of town. I'll post more pics of this in a couple of days.

Dad missed football the most. Grandma missed normal weather (a quote from a shopkeeper - "You sweat alot, you aren't from here are you?) and being able to brush her teeth with plain old tap water. Mom missed Venti (the largest starbucks size). I missed Cinderella and my art supplies. In fact, I had most of my supplies out today making sure everything was in good order.

We will post more pictures as the week goes on and we get settled, but I wanted all of you to have a chance to see Evie and some of the places we went.

It is good to be home!

Here is Evie!

Uncle Gerald and Uncle Shane came to San Francisco to meet Genevieve and spend some time with me. We had so much fun!!

I took this picture of Mommy and Grandma all by myself in Nanning.

Gramma and Evie in a park in Guangzhou

Citizen Genevieve

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Blogging from China

Hi everyone-

You all are reading these blogs before me. We can't read what we post here, so we hope you will forgive spelling and grammar errors. We've also had difficulty posting pictures, so while the more techno-savvy users can upload movies and pics from their laptops, we who are technologically limited to the $6 for 20 minute business centers are sorely lacking for eye candy.

We have our visa application review tomorrow at the U.S. Consulate. It is handled by our guides and we are not called unless there is a problem.

We then have a swearing in ceremony on Friday and fly home Saturday. We land at Dulles at 7 am Sunday morning - isn't that crazy???

The parks and shopping in Guangzhou have been great fun. We have really enjoyed our time here.

Will post the no news good news news tomorrow or Friday!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

You can watch Sunday night football at 9 am

A guest post from Mom-

For those of you who are wondering about access to the beloved American pasttime, the NFL - we are happy to report football is aired on ESPN at 9 am here in Guangzhou.

We took Genevieve for her get out of the country physical today and she passed with flying colors. She has walked a few steps since last week, but still prefers crawling or steadying with at least a finger.

Both girls seem to be enjoying the new hotel, and Genevieve is warming up to me and grandma both, but will still only take a bottle from Dad.

Dawna Thompson calls Bruce the "baby whisperer".

Juliette and Amelia are doing baths and sitting together at dinner and playing wonderfully during our down times. We are really glad to have Amelia around to keep Ju Ju entertained.

We are starting to miss home - even though we celebrated the doctor's appt with Thai food.

Miss you all!