Monday, July 18, 2005

Juliette's Adventure Begins

Juliette turned 2 1/2 yesterday and is very excited about going to China to pick up her baby sister (Mei Mei is mandarin for baby sister). We are expecting to hear something about Baby Sister in the next two weeks!

Mom and Dad have been struggling with names and think they have finally found a winner - Genevieve. Now we are taking Nominations for the middle name.

Also, if Genevieve doesn't look like a Genevieve, we may have a Sofia or a Keira.

Here's what Juliette is excited about (in order):
Lollipops on the plane
M&Ms on the plane
Going to China
Teaching baby sister to read books
Teaching baby sister how to play in the tub
Tea parties with baby sister
Grandma coming to China

Here's what Mom and Dad are excited about:
Getting Baby Sister
Going back to China
Grandma coming to China
Coming Home

We will post a picture when it arrives. We plan to use this blog to share Juliette's experience in China throughout the trip.


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