August 1, 2005
Adventure - Phase 1
How does Juliette feel about getting a little sister? Pretty excited most of the time, although there are moments that are less enthusiastic.
She is going with her buddy, Amelia T., to China to pick up their sisters. Getting on an airplane is pretty exciting stuff. She and her dad took four airplane rides over the past 10 days. They were the LONGEST rides of her dad's life.
Juliette found out about baby sister in Victoria Canada and we've consequently decided Baby Genevieve's middle name should be Victoria.
While we were in Canada, we visited Beacon Park, Buchart Gardens, and of course all of the lovely waterfront area.
Mom and Dad have the harsh reality of preparing a room for a little person, getting the house in shape and finishing up all of their important job related stuff prior to a leave of absence.
Pressure is on! Stay tuned!
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