Sunday, August 07, 2005

On the Road with Barney

A Guest Post from Mom-

Admittedly, on August 4, I officially sold out. Until then, Adam Gopnick had been my parenting hero for moving to Paris rather than expose his child to the influences of the purple dinosaur who shall not be named (PDWSNBN).

For those of you who do not live in the world of PDWSNBN, he is everywhere if you are two years old, on underwear - which must be repeatedly worn day after day regardless of the availability of vastly superior dozens of princess and hello kitty underwear that line the drawer.

When I became a parent, I promised myself PDWSNBN would not become apart of my life. My child would not become a sacrifice to the ADD driven masses, she would be better, different, she would have class, style and grace. She would look blankly when people referenced Elmo, PDWSNBN, et al. She would know Jane Austen, love Mendelsson, appreciate what Jackson Pollock contributed to 20th Century art. It was all going so well until a fateful car ride, with DVDs blaring in the back seat. He appeared in an ensemble DVD, She was mesmerized. Transported to a world she didn't know existed.

"Again." Juliette said.


This is much more serious than the underwear.

What have I done? No Paris for me, Mr. Gopnick. I am not worthy.

On to a Genevieve tie in, yes -- it is relevant.

We got our report translated, Genevieve likes commercials. Not television, but commercials. And her toy violin.

Our only hope is that PDWSNBN has yet to start advertising in China.


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