Saturday, August 20, 2005

Yard Sales and Itches

It appears by all accounts that I am allergic to my baby sister. I started breaking out in hives about a week ago at different times - after bath, after nap, in the middle of the day, at the fair. My mom is a little freaked out, but keeps the benedryl handy.

We still don't know when we are going to China. This is driving mom and dad a little crazy. Dad has been working like a fiend to get baby Genevieve's room together and it looks great! I LOVE to play in there with all of my old baby toys. I'm getting reaquainted so I can show G. the ropes when she gets here.

Mom and Dad had a yard sale today. They consider it successful because it finally cleaned the house out, but it surely doesn't look like either of them is cut out to be the next Fred Sanford.

I wish we were counting down, but we don't even know if we are yet!

Mom is watching other babies stories on the internet. She knows she has the best story in me already, but she LOVES looking at other Chinese baby girls. Enough to make me break out in hives.


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